It's been such a privilege to watch this family grow. This session took place just about 24 hours after they welcomed baby Hero to the family, and I could not love it more.

Fresh 48
It's been such a privilege to watch this family grow. This session took place just about 24 hours after they welcomed baby Hero to the family, and I could not love it more.
I know the bathtub might seem like a weird place for a session, but seriously, it's magic every. time.
Hear me out.
Milk baths have been a "thing" since the time of Cleopatra, who was said to have bathed in "the milk of asses" (of the donkey variety) as part of her beauty regimen. The lactic acid in the milk acts as a mild exfoliant for the skin; the fat makes a natural moisturizer; aaaaand it's just plain cool. Add some epsom and essential oils (and perhaps a few flowers...) and it's a beautiful experience, inside and out.
Herbal baths have long been a favorite of mine, first and foremost for their soothing, restorative properties so appreciated by the bodies of new mamas and new babies alike. (I have more information about why herbal baths are so darn cool on my FAQ page.)
They're also really pretty.
I am now offering stand-alone bath sessions for a special rate of $250 for those wanting a unique and beautiful maternity, newborn, or mother + child session. Sessions include all bath supplies, up to 30 minutes of shooting in the tub, and a complete set of 15-25 high resolution finished images + print release.
AND. 'Tis almost the season for outdoor milk baths (yes, it's possible!), so sign up to take advantage of the sun while you can!
If you have any questions or would like to talk about booking your session, please drop me a line!
This one has been in my draft folder for a heartbreakingly long time. It's due to spread its wings and share its beauty!
Eli's Fresh 48 session, starting his baby self and his gorgeous big brother, whose own Fresh 48 Session can be found here.
In recent months I've had not one but TWO sets of friends ask if they could set up Fresh 48 sessions to document the growth of their families - but not because they were welcoming human babies. Rather, each family was stepping into the animal kingdom.
I can't even tell you how much I loved this idea.
Ada adopted two kittens, Bluebell and Rosie; and Ali, Bradon, Eli, and Emi adopted a silver lab named Ru. And the cuteness just did. not. stop.
I absolutely loved the opportunity to take the lifestyle approach into documenting such a fun family milestone. It's no secret that I love portraits that break all the molds, and I love that I have friends and clients who have joined in me in thinking outside of the box. (I'm so proud! Sniff, sniff.)
It was hard enough when my own baby turned one a few short months ago. But it somehow hits me anew when clients' babies turn one - perhaps because those babies are often preserved as their newborn selves in my memory. I often have parents send me notes of reminiscence as their baby nears their birthday - and even though I may have literally been present at said child's birth, the fact that it's been a year still blindsides me every time. (Also, nothing reminds you just how far behind on blogging you are like having an unblogged-Fresh 48 baby have a birthday...) A whole year disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Case in point: Ariana.
And though so much has changed - the whole sitting up, mobility, and eating solid food thing - I'm thrilled to report that her amazing deadpan "I am merely humoring you" camera face is still going strong.
See for yourself.
Ariana then:
Ariana now.
This family. Not gonna lie, this whole session makes my heart sing a little!
To be completely honest with you, sometimes I feel like I'm a bit of a weirdo when I share that some of my favorite images from a session are ones in which you can't necessarily see anyone's face.
I feel weird because I know that, for many people, the impetus to get family portraits is to show everyone what they look like - literally. They're for grandparents, far away friends and family, and you need to show how the kids have grown, how you've changed, what you look like now. Often, I've seen that as much as you may have wanted to document your family anyway, often the push that makes it come to 'shove' is a grandparent leaning in your ear (or outright buying a gift certificate, which is a great idea by the way, haha).
And this is completely legitimate, especially so when family lives out-of-state, especially so when little kids grow so fast, and especially so when traveling to and from Alaska is...well, it's its own blog post.
Nevertheless, though, I will continue to advocate for nontraditional portraits of your family, because in my personal experience I've found that it's those unexpected imaged that are the most treasured in the years to come. We'll get the photos of what you look like, sure. I always make sure we get "the Christmas card photo," as I call it, for your parents. And then, for you, we'll get photos of what you are.
I think I continue to write about this because I wish I'd had more of an understanding of it going into parenthood. (At the same time, it seems to be one of those things you have to learn firsthand, so don't ask me why I keep writing about it!) As much as we hear "it goes so fast" and "the years fly by" over and over again, no caution quite compares to the personal realization that time really has pulled a number on you. We go from being on the receiving end of "you got so big!," "How did you grow up so much?," "It seems like yesterday you were a baby!" one second, to being the one to run into a former toddler whom you used to nanny (who is now in college) the next, and hearing the same words come out of your own mouth.
Time pulls a number on you.
And with that I wanted to share a recent favorite from a family session. This is two-week-old Theodore and his mama, and even though you can't see their faces I see a whole world encapsulated in this photo. In just a few weeks he won't fit in the crook of her neck like that. In a few months he might not nuzzle to sleep that way any more. And in a year he'll be a whole different animal, a toddler in the throes of mini-adolescence.
But every time his mama looks at this photograph, she has the time machine back to what life was at this moment.
I rejoined Lilly and her family when she was a ripe old 14 or so hours old. A few of these Fresh 48 images are included in the post on Lilly's birth, but I wasn't able to share nearly enough there. I love, love, love this session, and the absolute joy that emanates from the chaos: a chaos that makes the moments of stillness worth all the more.